Disabling Account & setting Up Forward email in sbs 2011
We've had an employee quit. We need to forward his email permanently to another employee. How do we deactivate the old employee's SBS 2011 user account and make all his emails forward to another existing account. TO CLARIFY: We know how to deactivate the old employee user account but we don't want to do that if its going to stop the email account associated with the deactivate from receiving emails. So how do we both deactivate an account and permanently forward (to another account on the same exchange server) emails sent to that deactivated account's email address in the future..
1. Do you want to permanently delete the old user and mailbox and just have all future mail sent to a different user.
2. Or, would you like to keep t...
Fri, 22 May, 2015 at 11:53 AM